Construction Steel Inc Featured Project:
Carter Carillon SUU Bell Tower, Located on SUU campus, Cedar City UT
We had the honor of helping with the creation of this historic building’s bells. The bell system was completed in 2007 and the bells were installed in the tower on October 11, 2007. We loved being a part of this event for SUU!
The Carter Carillon Bell Tower is a beautiful landmark for Cedar City UT. It serves as a symbol for all new students at the start of their educational journey. When freshmen attend orientation at SUU it is a tradition that they start their journey by walking under the Bell Tower with students, faculty, and family members there for support. Traditionally, students are not supposed to walk under the bell tower again until they graduate where they will then walk underneath again as a group in their cap and gown. It is said to give bad luck to those who do not wait for their graduation to walk under the bell tower again.
We have included some pictures of the beautiful bell tower below.
We hope to participate in more historic projects like this in the Southern Utah area for years to come.