Construction Steel Inc Featured Project:
Elevate Plaza, 1289 Interstate Dr
We started working on this building 2022 and have enjoyed participating in the project. This building is still currently being finished on the South end of Cedar City. It is located across the street from the Marriott. You can see the current progress at any time from Main Street in Cedar City. This building will have different office spaces available as well as American Sleep Dentistry on the 3rd floor. It is 3 stories and has a total of 22,092 Square feet!
American Sleep Dentistry is a Utah company that manufactures an appliance that sits on your teeth and helps with sleep apnea. It will help the wearer sleep better and can replace a CPAP machine in many cases. This new device is FDA-approved and ASD has many wonderful credentialed dentists to help you with your new journey.
We have included some pictures from this project as we were erecting the steel structure in this building.
We hope to participate in more projects like this in the Southern Utah area for years to come